I stumbled across problem where laptop was not able to boot from SSD which was in perfectly mint condition.
Problem was, that somehow boot sector of drive was corrupted.
Quick set of commands from Hiren's Boot CD successfully rebuilt BCD file and OS was able to boot properly.
Boot to Hiren's Boot CD from USB.
- Run cmd
- Run "diskpart" from cmd
- Select disk where corrupted OS is installed "sel disk <number>"
- List available volumes by using "list volume"
- Find volume which is 100MB in size and formatted to FAT32
- Select found volume by "sel vol <number>"
- Assign letter K to this volume by "assign letter k:"
- Exit diskpart by typing "exit"
- Enter boot folder by using "cd /d K:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot"
- Change attribute of BCD file so it can be renamed "attrib BCD -s -h -r"
- Rename BCD file "ren BCD BCD.bak"
- Rebuild BCD file "bcdboot C:\Windows /s k: /f ALL"
Restart computer, remove USB with HBCD and you should be able to boot into Windows normally.