čtvrtek 14. října 2021

File Path in Taskbar.xml file

If you try to specify icon layout in taskbar via GPO you are able to use XML file according to MS schema (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/configuration/customize-windows-10-start-screens-by-using-group-policy).

One thing that bothered me was that from total of 4 icons only 3 applied. And reason was pretty simple. 

Although Windows is fine with using Forward Slash, Backslash and even both combined, in this case only working scenario is BACKSLASH.

<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%programfiles(x86)%/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" />
Not working

<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%programfiles(x86)%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" />

úterý 12. října 2021

SCCM Application not showing up in Software Center

I have just recently learned why app was not deploying to client the hard way.

So basicaly my scenario:
SCCM Server running on premise
SCCM Distribution Point running on premise
SCCM Console running on SCCM DP
Client in domain, in many collections in SCCM

When I add computer information to SCCM, computer is added to global Collection of All devices.
Then I am able to PXE Boot from DP and via Task Sequence install OS to PC.
During this installation, depending on TS computer is then added to device collections which are then used to deploy applications.
For each application there is device collection

I have AppxPackage which I want to deploy via SCCM and this package is dependent on another 3 packages.
Yet app won't show in Application neither in Installation Status tab of Software Center.

When I ran DeploymentMonitoringTool (which is part of SCCM Client Tools) desired Application was under Deployments, but when I clicked on it, popup saying "DT cannot be empty" appeared and app closed.

All problems were resolved by editing Application->Deployment types and removing Administrator comment from one of DT's.