pátek 17. června 2022

Touch Keyboard not showing for domain users. Working fine for local accounts.

 I have stumbled across problem on Windows 10 LTSC 2019.
Domain users were not able to use Touch Keyboard. App TabTip.exe launched successfully, but keyboard did not show.

Whole problem was solved by adding this registry key:


REG_DWORD: [DisableNewKeyboardExperience] = 1

středa 8. prosince 2021

No Bootable Media Found

 I stumbled across problem where laptop was not able to boot from SSD which was in perfectly mint condition.

Problem was, that somehow boot sector of drive was corrupted.

Quick set of commands from Hiren's Boot CD successfully rebuilt BCD file and OS was able to boot properly.

Boot to Hiren's Boot CD from USB.

  1. Run cmd
  2. Run "diskpart" from cmd
  3. Select disk where corrupted OS is installed "sel disk <number>"
  4. List available volumes by using "list volume"
  5. Find volume which is 100MB in size and formatted to FAT32
  6. Select found volume by "sel vol <number>"
  7. Assign letter K to this volume by "assign letter k:"
  8. Exit diskpart by typing "exit"
  9. Enter boot folder by using "cd /d K:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot"
  10. Change attribute of BCD file so it can be renamed "attrib BCD -s -h -r"
  11. Rename BCD file "ren BCD BCD.bak"
  12. Rebuild BCD file "bcdboot C:\Windows /s k: /f ALL"

Restart computer, remove USB with HBCD and you should be able to boot into Windows normally.

čtvrtek 14. října 2021

File Path in Taskbar.xml file

If you try to specify icon layout in taskbar via GPO you are able to use XML file according to MS schema (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/configuration/customize-windows-10-start-screens-by-using-group-policy).

One thing that bothered me was that from total of 4 icons only 3 applied. And reason was pretty simple. 

Although Windows is fine with using Forward Slash, Backslash and even both combined, in this case only working scenario is BACKSLASH.

<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%programfiles(x86)%/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" />
Not working

<taskbar:DesktopApp DesktopApplicationLinkPath="%programfiles(x86)%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" />

úterý 12. října 2021

SCCM Application not showing up in Software Center

I have just recently learned why app was not deploying to client the hard way.

So basicaly my scenario:
SCCM Server running on premise
SCCM Distribution Point running on premise
SCCM Console running on SCCM DP
Client in domain, in many collections in SCCM

When I add computer information to SCCM, computer is added to global Collection of All devices.
Then I am able to PXE Boot from DP and via Task Sequence install OS to PC.
During this installation, depending on TS computer is then added to device collections which are then used to deploy applications.
For each application there is device collection

I have AppxPackage which I want to deploy via SCCM and this package is dependent on another 3 packages.
Yet app won't show in Application neither in Installation Status tab of Software Center.

When I ran DeploymentMonitoringTool (which is part of SCCM Client Tools) desired Application was under Deployments, but when I clicked on it, popup saying "DT cannot be empty" appeared and app closed.

All problems were resolved by editing Application->Deployment types and removing Administrator comment from one of DT's.

pondělí 19. dubna 2021

Dell Mentor Media Unlock Guide

When you buy Dell Laptop/Desktop, in most cases you receive Dell USB Flash Drive, which can be used for OS reinstall/repair. Nowadays, when Windows 10 is widespread and most used Operating System (statistics), USB drives as this are useless. Common idea is to format them and use them as your usual USB pendrive for daily usage.
But that's where this little problem comes in. Dell is actively restricting those pendrives for Read-Only access, so when you try to format them, you probably end with error like this:

But this can be solved by LLF (Low-Level Formatting) this drive.
Tool you need to use for this depends on type of your USB Drive




Download ALCOR_U2_MP and extract it.
Enter password"usbdev.ru"
Connect your Flash Drive and run AlcorMP.exe
Select "Product" mode.
Click on Button next to info about Flash Drive, and press Start
note: This step will take approximately 2-3 hours!
When LLF finishes, you can exit AlcorMP.
Your Flash Drive should be unlocked and formated.


Download MPALL_F1_7F00 and extract it.
Run MPALL_F1_7F00_DL07_v503_0A.exe and then connect your Flash Drive.
Click Update button
Once program finds your drive, click "Settings" and then "OK"
From "Controller" select "PS2251-07" and from "Host port" select type of port in which your USB drive is plugged.
Check "Do ISP" and "Erase code block" checkboxes
Click "Select" burner file and find BN07V502TAW.BIN in the same folder
Click "Select" firmware file and find FW07V50253TW.BIN in the same folder.
Under "Customize" uncheck "Auto-Detect" and insert VID 0930 and PID 1400
Click "Save"
Click "Start"
After a few sconds LLF finishes, you can exit MPAll.
Your Flash Drive should be unlocked and formated.


Download SM3267 and extract it.
Download Settings file and put it into same folder as SM3267

Click "Settings" and enter password "320"
Select "U3-8GBSTS.ini" file, you have downloaded
Click "OK" in bottom-right corner.
Press "F5" and after your drive shows up, press "Space"
After a few sconds LLF finishes, you can exit SMI MPT.
Your Flash Drive should be unlocked and formated.

neděle 4. dubna 2021

Batch import of Wi-Fi Profiles

 This script will import all Wi-Fi profiles stored in sibling folder  called "Wifi"

for %%f in (Wifi\*) do ( netsh wlan add profile filename="Wifi\%%~nf.xml" )

středa 25. listopadu 2020

.NET Framework 3.5 installation fails with 0x800F0954 error.

When trying to install .NET Framework 3.5 installation fails with 0x800F0954 error.

Cause to this problem is PC connecting to corporate service instead of Windows Update.

How to solve:

1. Disconnect PC from network (so PC won't pull GPO)

2. Change registry "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\UseWUServer" to 0

3. Restart PC

4. Connect PC to network

5. Install .NET Framework 3.5

6. Restart PC

7. Change registry

"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\UseWUServer" back to 1

8. Restart PC

pondělí 16. listopadu 2020

Forced retrieval of Software Center applications

 1. Click on Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle and click on "Run Now."

2. Click on Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle and click on "Run Now."

3. Click on Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle and click on "Run Now."

Fix: Error 0x800F0954

0x800F0954 As a temporary workaround, change the registry key “UseWUServer” to 0. It is located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU

Error 0xc004F050 while entering Windows Pro product key

1. Disconnect from network

2. Enter generic key: VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T

3. Let Windows upgrade to Windows Pro

4. Connect to network

5. Activate with your Windows Pro key

čtvrtek 18. června 2020

Dell Optiplex 3070 and Dell Latitude 5400 jack problem

I encountered problem with Dell Optiplex 3070 and Dell Latitude 5400, which couldn't access Microsoft Store (due to GPO), and couldn't download Waves MaxxAudio Pro for Dell 2019, without which using headphones with phone jack connector.

Luckily I managed to solve this problem by downloading Waves .appx file from https://store.rg-adguard.net/ (using url:https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9pjppgg8tgvg).

Now I needed to download Appx dependencies. I used this link for that purpose https://github.com/j00sean/SimpleWebView/tree/master/SimpleWebView/AppPackages/SimpleWebView_1.0.0.0_Test/Dependencies.

Then I just ran "Add-AppxPackage -Path "Path\to\File" in Powershell, for every package (Framework, Runtime, VCLibs, Waves).

After connecting jack I was greeted by Waves window, prompting me to select device type.

čtvrtek 30. ledna 2020

How To: Mod Nokia E66 (S60v3)

Files required:
Box folder

1. Connect phone or SD Card to PC
    Depending on your SD Card letter in phone download following files:
    2. Extract zip to SD Card

    3. Install Dr. Web6 Antivirus

    4. After installation is complete, run Dr.Web Antivirus.
    (If "No valid key found" message pops up, just press right soft key)
    5. No go to

    1. Options → Quarantine
    2. Options → Select All
    3. Options → Restore
    8. Install RomPatcher, and run it.
    Navigate to: Right soft key →All Patches ApplyAdd to auto...

    Although your installserver can work, it is not certain at this point.
    If you receive error while applying installserver patch, continue reading this tutorial. Otherwise your S60v3 should be modded.

    Optional steps:
    1. Download and install X-Plore
    2. Download Installserver.exe
    3. Open X-Plore and navigate to Menu->Tools->Configuration
    4. Check Show system files
    5. Copy Installserver.exe to C:/sys/bin