čtvrtek 30. ledna 2020

How To: Mod Nokia E66 (S60v3)

Files required:
Box folder

1. Connect phone or SD Card to PC
    Depending on your SD Card letter in phone download following files:
    2. Extract zip to SD Card

    3. Install Dr. Web6 Antivirus

    4. After installation is complete, run Dr.Web Antivirus.
    (If "No valid key found" message pops up, just press right soft key)
    5. No go to

    1. Options → Quarantine
    2. Options → Select All
    3. Options → Restore
    8. Install RomPatcher, and run it.
    Navigate to: Right soft key →All Patches ApplyAdd to auto...

    Although your installserver can work, it is not certain at this point.
    If you receive error while applying installserver patch, continue reading this tutorial. Otherwise your S60v3 should be modded.

    Optional steps:
    1. Download and install X-Plore
    2. Download Installserver.exe
    3. Open X-Plore and navigate to Menu->Tools->Configuration
    4. Check Show system files
    5. Copy Installserver.exe to C:/sys/bin

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